How do you advertise your website on the Internet? How do you attract customers to a new online store? Feedback on Google Ad Campaigns. In Akshar's web technology, we know how to do it successfully without "wasting your budget".
Google Ads (Adwords) online campaigns allow you to reach potential customers faster!
The obvious truth - effective marketing activities should cover all potential areas, and advertising costs should be commensurate with the conversions achieved. What is conversion? It is a broad and flexible concept that changes its meaning depending on the purpose (usually, conversion is understood as the quotient of a visit to the sales price).
This, however, indicates that advertising activities cannot be done without price analysis of results. This is the only way to track trends in marketing efficiency and measure the most important indicator in e-commerce - investment return.
The implementation of IT projects per application is one of the pillars of Akshar web technology's project. It provides not only development, but also assistance in the analysis, documentation, use and maintenance. We specialize in building great plans and advanced solutions, and in implementing our unconventional approach.
Depending on the expectations of the Order Group, we may run the entire project, eg using all categories or only participating in a selection, such as analysis, planning or evaluation. However, we know from experience that projects that are being implemented all work much better.
Continuity of process helps to avoid unnecessary costs and time losses associated with data transfer and team implementation.
Each customer has their own view of their website. Therefore, the Akshar web technologies systems are designed in a way that allows them to meet customer expectations. Based on relational solutions, we create customized programs.
The advantage of customization is the ability to create a unique marketing website in just a few days, without having to build an entire platform from scratch.
adding and adjusting new functionalities of of the system. The scope of customization determines the timing of its preparation, as well as its cost. Very simple projects require a change of logo and perhaps a color scheme usually takes 1-3 business days.